join our society

We invite you to join our membership by subscribing and enjoying the regular meetings. This is your opportunity for personal participation in a vital community service organization through your volunteer services and/or financial support.
Ongoing Society goals include collecting oral histories, photographs, artifacts and documents; preparing historical publications and displays; increasing historical society membership; preparing effective publicity; educating the public; organizing successful special events; fundraising; preservation and restoration of historically significant buildings; establishing historical landmarks and a historical museum.
Please save your old photographs, letters, maps, documents, books, and artifacts for the society. Old telephone directories, old newspapers etc. are most welcomed.
If you would prefer using a check and paper
application, please call: (951) 251-5372.
Moreno Valley Historical Society
P.O. Box 66
Moreno Valley, CA 92556
Please sign up using the Subscribe button below and also submit the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you.